A three-story, 45 x 90 foot, nineteen-room limestone hotel once stood at this location. Completed in 1858. Financed by Lecompton investors hoping to convince the territorial legislature to keep the capital in Lecompton. Advertised as one of the finest hotels in the territory. Business at the Rowena fell off soon after 1861 when the capital was moved to Topeka. Sold in 1865 to the United Brethren Church as home to newly founded Lane University. Continued as a dormitory until 1902. The H.D. Larimer Hardware and Implement Store from 1902 until 1916. Changed hands many times after 1916. Sadly, by 1947 the Rowena was so badly deteriorated that it had to be knocked down. City of Lecompton purchased the vacant lots where the hotel had once stood and created Rowena Park in 1982.
Point of Interest
Historic Rowena Park

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